An Immigrant’s Scream for Help

We Are All Humans


For years, humans have roam this earth in search for a better life. Ever since the early nomads, the human race has prospered from finding a better home. Till this day, us humans still try to find a better life not only for us, but for our children. The world has advanced socially in a multitude of ways within the last century, however, the social stigma against immigrants in the United States still stands. Undocumented people are now being harassed, threatened, and being made fun of like they are worth little to nothing.


Gregory, Wilton D. “GUEST COLUMN: It’s time for a clear path to citizenship.” Atlanta Journal-Constitution [Atlanta, GA], 12 Sept. 2013, p. A14. Infotrac Newsstand, Accessed 6 Feb. 2018.

Summary:  In  news article, “GUEST COLUMN: It’s time for a clear path to citizenship”, Wilton D. states that immigrant families over the years have been suffering from poor racial treatment and lack of morality. The News article tries to convey the message that immigrant people have been suffering for some time, and deserve some sort of reforms to end all issues. The news article goes on to state that many of our acts as a country are wrong, that we as human beings should have some sort of morality to try and help out those in need, especially if those who need help, helped us in the past. It finally states that now is the time to act, that this matter can no longer wait for a reform or more people will end up suffering.

Rhetorical Situation: The article delivers its message through the use of pathos. It uses multiple examples of how we treat immigrants morally incorrect such as, denying them of a good education, preventing them from getting a well paying job to support their families, and treating them as they were animals, not considering them as people who live and breath. Through the use of pathos, they made the reader feel bad for the way immigrants have been treated, suffering and dying, and trying to make them change their point of few.

Audience: The audience seems to be directed to those who are largely in charge of the immigration reforms. The article state various reasons as to why immigrant families are being hurt right now and how we can no longer wait for a reform. The article could also have an audience of immigrant people, reading about what going on with the new reform, hoping and waiting for their dream to come true.

Genre: The genre is that of a news article because of how informative it becomes. The article states how us as human beings, should have reform and dignity to allow other lives to come and live joyfully as well.

Purpose: “The creation of a pathway to legal status and, eventually, citizenship is a matter of justice and human dignity, as it would help protect immigrants from this suffering.” The purpose is to try and help change the mind of us as a mass about immigration. The news article is trying to convey the purpose that we all deserve some rights. Just because one is an immigrant, that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the fruits of their labor.

Stance: The stance is that of human rights. The article firmly believes that whether you’re an immigrant or not, you still deserve some moral rights. Wilton D. states all his believes firmly but with stress. Through calm but strong words, he can professionally send out his voice and ideals



Weingarten, Randi. “Protecting Our Country’s Proud Immigrant Tradition.” American Educator, vol. 41, no. 4, 2017, p. 1. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 7 Feb. 2018.

Summary: The story “Protecting Our Country’s Proud Immigrant Tradition” follows a young woman, born in the United States and raised by immigrants in the vast nation we now call today home. She starts by stating how like many Americans like her, she is a granddaughter to an immigrant family. She continued by stating how unfortunately, people who are protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), are now being threatened to be deported. She goes on to state “Our tradition of welcoming immigrants is threatened by lawmakers and xenophobes and nationalists who are spewing fear and hate.” She then goes on to say the names of successful DACA holders who are helping are community and how their lives will be destroyed thanks to our new President, Trump.

Rhetorical Situation: The rhetorical situation here is logos.. It is logos because she stated that her grandparents were immigrants too. She can use herself as an example because she can relate to many immigrants and can feel for their sorrow. The author then brings in a pathos approach near the end, stating all the wonderful and great deeds some people are doing to help others, only to have it destroyed by the fear of immigrants.

Audience: The audience is for the general public and community of the United States. At first i thought the author was trying to reach out to the major heads in government, but then i realized that in reality she was trying to reach out to the American people and change their views on immigrants. This can be seen when she says  “The young people covered by DACA, appropriately known as Dreamers, are woven into our communities. Thousands are first responders, nurses, firefighters, lawyers, and community and union activists throughout the country.” Through said text, you can tell that she’s trying to eliminate the social stigma of all immigrants being useless. She also appropriately addresses them as  Dreamers rather than the usual “Illegal Immigrants or Aliens” as if to show respect.  She can’t stress enough that no matter how you see it, it is morally incorrect to completely destroy someone’s life, something they have worked hard to achieve, and thus she mostly addresses this to the general public so they can sympathize.

Genre: The genre is that of a news magazine. The article was published under their AFT (American Federation of Teachers) name. Because it comes straight from their Federation, we can assume that they are telling the truth when they speak out facts about the education. They tried to inform all that can go wrong if Trump succeed in his campaign against the Dreamers.

Purpose: The purpose of this magazine is to try and open up the eyes of all Americans to come and realize that like her, they too were raised by either immigrant parents of grandparents.

Stance: Her stance is affirmative and determined for change in our community.  “Without congressional action by March 2018, Dreamers will be deported or have to live in the shadows. We need to end the political gridlock and enact comprehensive solutions to our broken immigration system. That starts by providing pathways to citizenship for millions of students, families, and neighbors working and living alongside us who are at risk of being deported.” She belive that these people need to be helped, and the social stigma should break.



Munoz, Carolina Bank. “A dream deferred: undocumented students at CUNY.” Radical Teacher, Spring 2009, p. 8+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 7 Feb. 2018.

Summary: The story “A dream deferred: undocumented students at CUNY” is told by an unknown  college professor for CUNY schools. He tells his story about how his students come to him asking for advice and help about how to become citizens. Unfortunately he doesn’t know the answer to said question, so all he can do is feel bad for them. Worried for his students, the anonymes teacher then goes on to state“The United States is the only home that most of these students know, but they are forced to live in the shadows of American society, living in fear of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with marginal access to good jobs or a college education.” He or she continues to express his feelings about the situation, and how unfair it is for students to not prosper.

Rhetorical Situation: The scholarly resource was made to show the facts about how many undocumented students are suffering because of the cruel social stigma of immigration. By stating “Over 60,000 undocumented students, the vast majority of whom are people of color, graduate from high school every year (UCLA Labor Center 2007). Most of these students migrated to the United States at a young age along with parents or other family members. Yet they are subject to the same harsh immigration policies as their parents who predominantly work in the low wage sector.”, the author shows the the young student are having a hard time learning and being in school.

Audience: The audience is meant for more educated people, willing to read and learn about the problems that education faces. Professors, teachers, and even parents would be interested in reading such resource. The audience is also more directed more towards specifically teacher. This can be seen when the author says “We as radical teachers” and proofs that he is trying to reach out towards the other teachers.

Genre: The genre is a scholarly resource, because of its sophisticated language, text, and the fact that it was written by a Professor of one of the many CUNY school. Because it was written by someone professional about the topic of education, it makes it factual and true as a scholarly resource. He also states his credential when he states “I first became aware of the difficulties for undocumented students at the City University of New York (CUNY) when I started teaching a course at Brooklyn College, a CUNY campus, on the sociology of immigration.”

Purpose: The purpose is to tell this story to people through the point of view of a professor, concerned for his or her students. He states various stories about different undocumented students whether big or small, his great words of them made them seem fantastic as they should be. He didn’t want such young and talented people to have to live in fear, or worry for a lesser education because of their status, so in hopes to change the minds of others, he goes on to state how wrong, and crucial it is for a young individual whether documented or not, is to have the chance to learn and prosper in their life,

Stance: The stance of the professor is that of being concerned for his students. He believes that many undocumented students deserve a chance to learn, prosper, and succeed. He states at the end “As radical teachers, we can support the plight of undocumented students by working with them to win access and resources for a college education and inspire them with hope for a meaningful future.” In conclusion, he is for immigration and wants to do everything possible to help out the young ones looking for a good education.



Summary: The website “United We Dream” is a relatively small website that was made in the hopes to spread awareness of young and old immigrant people. It is organized and vibrant in colors to shout out their emotions about hope. The website mostly spreads their means of messages not only by tweets towards congress, the president, or the populist, but through imagery. Through these images of young students fighting for an education, the huge impact of wanting to learn and stay in the United States is sent out. The website also has three important tabs, one to donate to their cause, one to call congress in hopes to be heard, and finally one to sign petitions that are passed for a better change. Lastly, the website is finished off with a powerful image. At the end, the website has a picture of a bunch of immigrants, people like you and me, holding hands with the message “WE ARE UNITED WE DREAM” and with a tab below it, “JOIN US”.

Rhetorical Situation: The reason to why the website exists is because of the growing problem that young immigrants face everyday about racism. For years, racism has been consuming the ideals of the American people to believe they, the young Dreamers, are an issue to this Nation. Because no President Trump has stepped into office, the threat of young students and family members being deported has risen. The website was made to cry out for help and united all those who Dream of a better tomorrow for themselves, and their families. The main page has a huge text that reads “Every day that Congress fails to pass a Dream Act, 122 young immigrants lose their DACA and become exposed to deportation.” This proves its pathos to bring about the emotion in people, to make them feel for the ones who are being threatened each day.

Audience: The audience is for all who want to dream big and become a citizen. The website aims to try and reel in all immigrants, young in old to join their case and fight for a better tomorrow in this country. The website also tries to convey congress into their forums by posting and tweeting about them, in hopes that they might hear their cries for help and finally do something about the situation. Because of their giant “JOIN US”, you can tell that the website is trying to recruit more undocumented people to join their cause.

Genre: The genre is website, short and gets to the point. It has many pictures and tabs to give you more information. The website was made by the people for the people. Although it may look professional, it was made by any random person like you or me wanting to state a message and fulfill their dream.

Purpose: The purpose of this website is to hopefully make a change in this country. To fight for citizenship for all immigrant families. The website is also trying to show and state the stories of all of those who are being harassed every day by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). One of these stories posted on their twitter is about a boy called Dennis. “After being bullied for being undocumented, Dennis was failed by his school system and police department and now finds himself in ICE Detention.” By showing stories like this, the website gets their point across about their situation.

Stance: The stance of the people are proud and hopeful. Through their spirit they hope to get results and fight for a better life. You can see many people standing firm, tall, and proud of their nationality and are not afraid to admit who they are. One of their most recent tweets they stated how they will continue fighting for rights, it started, “Last week, Mo and over 150 immigrant youth leaders knocked on doors of House Democrats & moderate Republican offices, sharing their stories, chanting and singing to tell Congress they most stop the political games and pass a  #DreamActNow!” These people are strong and firmly believe they deserve a chance in this wonderful country of ours.



Through the use of all the documents, a general connection can be seen that many immigrant people are suffering either from abuse or racial laws. The authors would most definitely all agree that no matter what you are, immigrant or not,  we are all still human. All articles try to fight against the social stigma of immigration that is currently plaguing our country. All resources try and state their reasons to why they fight for immigration rights. While some fight because they want a better education (A dream deferred: undocumented students at CUNY), others fight because its morally incorrect to destroy the lives of those who have already built one for themselves (Protecting Our Country’s Proud Immigrant Tradition).


I for one have seen many struggles and hardships on television. I grew up with many immigrant families members, and seeing them live in constant fear every day is just horrible. They didn’t come to this country for their own personal needs, they came here to better the lives of their children. They came here leaving behind their family, jobs, homes, and came into a whole new world in hopes that their children don’t live the lives they did. Now because of racist xenophobes and law makers, more acts against the rights of immigrants are being passed. At this point, it doesn’t matter if you are legal or not, you will be harassed for your cultural past and family. I think this is absolutely sickening and degrading towards and human being. It is morally incorrect to judge someone just on their status and or culture. This country is called the country of many cultures, and it is beautiful because of that. Each and every single one of us bring and share a culture within us that enrich this countries communities. Not only that, but the country was founded and made by immigrants looking for a new home where they can live “free” without fear of prosecution.